diumenge, 14 de novembre del 2010

La CUP proposa municipalitzar serveis i redistribuir els ingressos dels ajuntaments

La CUP edita el document Escapçem el capitalisme global, construïm l'alternativa, que aposta per la transformació del model. La CUP acaba d'editar un extens document que analitza l'actual conjuntura econòmica a nivell local i regional i on també hi fa propostes de transformació.

L'opuscle és fruit del treball que s'inicià fa uns mesos a partir d'altres estudis ja editats per diferents assemblees locals de la CUP. Una comissió nacional de treball, més tard, ha treballat sobre el document original, que alhora s'ha enriquit gràcies a les aportacions de diferents sindicats, com ara la CSC, la COS, la CGT o COBAS. Del document se n'ha fet una tirada de 500 exemplars en paper, i a més serà descarregable des del web nacional de la CUP.

Descarregar el document "Escapcem el capitalisme global, construïm l'alternativa"

El document parteix de la base que el "sistema econòmic dominant genera, de manera intrínseca al seu funcionament, unes desigualtats creixents entre diferents capes de població i una acumulació de capital en molt poques mans". Per aquesta raó, la formació vol que el document ajudi a promoure un canvi de "l’actual model econòmic mundial com a única via per posar fi a les desigualtats generades pel sistema capitalista i per iniciar el camí per a consolidar una economia al servei d’una societat sostenible".

El document proposa 15 mesures concretes, en l'àmbit local, per endegar el canvi de model socioeconòmic. D'entre aquestes destaquen la municipalització dels serveis que en l'actualitat els ajuntaments ofereixen en règim de concessió. La municipalització implica un control absolut de l’ajuntament sobre els preus que s’apliquen –i, per tant, la possibilitat de l’abaratiment mitjançant la pressió social (la qual cosa significa que tothom en pot fer ús independentment dels seus ingressos)– i unes millors condicions de treball per als professionals que hi treballen. Per altra banda, la CUP proposa que els ajuntaments, en base als ingressos obtinguts, prioritzin essencialment aquelles despeses de caràcter netament social i dotin els serveis públics dels fons necessaris encara que això signifiqui l’aturada d’obres o inversions d’algun altre tipus.

6 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Felicitats pel treball.

Robert Mc. Dollant ha dit...

Hai ! I'm Robert, I write from Australia. What's Cup's political group ?. Thanks !

Robert Mc. Dollant ha dit...

I February I will go to Molins de Rey, I like to talk to Cup's political group. It's possible ?.
with whom I contct? Thanks !

Àlex Maymó i López ha dit...

Hello Robert,

No objection to talk to us. When you come to Mills please email us and we will contact you. (Alex.molins.cat @ gmail.com)

Here I have translated a text explaining which is the CUP.

"Nominations for the Unidad Popular (CUP)-independence candidates are left-wing Catalan Countries that, from the local level, working to build a freer and fairer country. We understand that local politics is the sphere closest to citizens and, therefore, nation building has also been carried out from the town. Despite the limited scope of action of this institution has sufficient possibilities to modify the current municipal and regional project to build a country based on the municipalities and their representatives.

Every person and group linked to a CUP is committed to defending an action program based on:

Deepening of democracy participativa.L deepening of participatory democracy, as an essential tool to make our society an organization that respects the will of the people and to advance towards the socialist transformation of social structure and productive.

Achieving towns and cities egalitarian and socially inclusive: respecting difference, the councils must work to achieve equality of rights, guaranteeing access to public services (education, health, etc.). And decent working conditions throughout their citizenship.

Municipalities must be one of the main engines of the Catalan nation building, promoting policies to defend the language, culture and national identity is always based on integration, social cohesion and sense of community. On the other hand, a firm commitment of local authorities and their representatives in the defense of the democratic exercise of the right to self determination.

Must ensure deselvolupament sostenible.Des municipalities is necessary to ensure the economic, social and territorial sustainable, far from isolated environmental campaigns, has as a reference model of global balanced territory in order to achieve a real improvement in quality of life for the majority of the population supports the treatment respects the natural environment.

Revitalise the association and promote self-organization of citizens, as a foundation to ensure a free society people, responsible and caring.

In the global context in which we move, the CUP is committed to generating dynamic to achieve some towns and cities in solidarity with the peoples struggling for their right to life and dignity, either from the field of performance from the institutional and educational development of the values that make this solidarity. Our commitment does not end the program action, as we believe that both councils and the municipal representatives must have a key role in building a free and fully supportive of Catalan society."

A question, as you come in Molins de Rei?

Robert Mc. Dollant ha dit...

Hai !
thanks for the info. we are in contact

Anònim ha dit...

Dear Robert,
how long to stay among us? and, just for curiosity, what is your interest? Are you involved in politics? will be happy to talk about our country, Catalonia, a millennial culture between France and Spain.

All the best,